Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church. Together we work to bring about the fullness of what God has planned for each of us. We are each uniquely equipped with talents and gifts to help us care for each other, working for the good of His church, the community that surrounds us, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Come worship with us at Faith United Methodist Church. Our services are every Sunday at 10:30 am. If you are unable to attend in person, we stream live on Facebook also.
●We seek to know and worship God.
●We prioritize fellowship to develop relationships and provide mutual support.
●We strive to continue the traditions of our church and our faith theology and values.
●We commit to being inclusive and welcoming all persons, acknowledging and valuing diversity.
●We emphasize the importance of personal spiritual growth.
●We encourage compassionate service to support and reach out to our local and global community.
There are many ways to love and to heal. We all are a work in progress with our own faith and understanding of God’s divine purpose for our lives. Let us have a humble and willing heart to seek out these understandings in the scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ. We in turn, give our time, talents, and spiritual gifts for the good of others in our community and our world. Let us plant the seed and watch the Holy Spirit take over in divine love.
Every member of our Church has come with a calling. To bring love and faith, to heal and to listen, to find meaning in the world and to help discover meaning in this gift of life. Our calling is your calling. We are one with the Lord.
Faith United Methodist Church
522 East 6th St
Cheyenne, WY 82007
Faith United
Methodist Church